Credits to ❤
→ Cabeza: Kaya 3.1 LeLUTKA
→ Cabello: Ara // L' Etre and DOUX Mainstore
→ Cuerpo: [ INITHIUM ] KUPRA
→ Shape: Sandy // Kira's Shape Mainstore ❤
→ Disponible: :::Beauty Event ::: ❤ Jan 21th ✨
→ Contiene: 7x shapes, can be modified and are copy - Style Card - Eyebrows
⨹ Shape Legacy
⨹ Shape Lara
⨹ Shape Kupra
⨹ Shape Kups
⨹ Shape Legacy Petite
⨹ Shape Ebody Reborn
⨹ Shape Erika
→ Bodysuit: SUSAN // REED ❤
→ Compatible con: Maitreya // Kupra // Legacy // eBody Reborn // Freya // Hourglass
→ Jewelry: Moon / Loop // Zola Design Mainstore
→ Contiene: Earrings Moon - Necklace Moon ( Long - Short ) - Necklace Loop.
→ Disponible: :::Beauty Event ::: ❤ Jan 21th ✨
→ Tattoo: Freesia // MARPESIA Mainstore ❤
→ Comes in BOM only.
→ Tintes: Faded - Fresh
→ Bag: Yoga // .:: Luas ::. Mainstore ❤